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Q: Which state is the only state that doesnt have a bicameral legislative?
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What is the bicameral legislator?

A legislative body consisting of 2 separate bodies; such as a House and Senate. A state such as Kansas has a unicameral body, meaning that they only have one legislative body.

How is your legislature bicameral?

If your legislature has an upper and lower house, then it is bicameral. Italy has a Chamber of Deputies and Senate with legislative power, so it is a bicameral system. Israel's Knesset is the only legislative body in the country on a national level, so it is called a unicameral parliamentary system.

What state of the US does not have a bicameral legislature?

Nebraska is the only state that does not have a bicameral legislature.

Is bicameral mean two houses?

Bicameral means to have two branches, but only within a legislative body example: US Legislature made of senate & house of reps

Is Nebraska the only state to have a bicameral legislature?

Nebraska is the only state NOT to have a bicameral legislature. Instead, the state has a unicameral non-partisan legislature. This means that there is one house instead of a house and senate.

What is the legislative branch at state level?

Depends on the state. In most states there is a bicameral legislature. The names of the two houses vary state to state (usually a Senate and Assembly or House of Delegates). Nebraska is the only state with a single house in its legislature (simply called the 'Legislature'.)

Do Most states have a unicameral legislature.?

No, most US states have a bicameral legislature, with two legislative bodies/chambers. A unicameral legislature has a single body/chamber. Nebraska switched to a unicameral legislature in 1934 and is the only US state to currently have a unicameral legislature.

Is Texas legislature unicamial?

No, it is Bicameral. Nevada is the only state that is unicameral.

Who makes our nation's laws?

Federal Laws are made by the United State Congress, a bicameral legislature with two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each state has a legislative branch as well, 49 of which are also bicameral (Nebraska having only one house). The names of the houses vary from state to state, but most having an upper house called the Senate.

What is the legislative body in Belgium?

It is bicameral but complicated in its election system with only about two thirds of each house placed in position by popular vote

What is a bicameral system of government?

The bicameral system of government is one that provides two houses of legislature. It provides equal representation under the law. All of the states are represented in Congress. It provides election by the people to select their representatives in Congress.

What is another name for a two house legislature?

A legislature having two houses (as in the US Congress and the British Parliament) is said to be "bicameral" (from the Latin for "two chambers"). A legislature having a single house is said to be "unicameral".