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Q: Which province is Canada's major producer of oil and gas?
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Why is Alberta called the energy province?

Because Alberta is a major producer of oil and gas.

What province is Canada's leading producer of and natural gas?

Alberta is the leading producer of oil and natural gas.

Why is producer gas called producer gas?

Producer gas is called so because it is produced by the partial combustion of solid fuel, usually coal. The gas is generated in a device called a gas producer or gasifier. The term "producer" refers to the fact that the gas is produced during this process.

What are some of canadas natural resources?

forestry ,hydroelectricity ,mining ,oil ,and gas ,agriculture and fishing

why is water gas a better fuel than producer gas?

Water gas is highly combustible than producer gas

What African country is the leading producer of natural gas?

The leading producer of natural gas in Africa is Algeria. Algeria has an annual gas production of 82,760,000,000 and is the 9th leading producer in the world.

What is the largest industry in US?

The largest industry in US is the oil and gas. This is considered to be a major industry with the highest producer of oil being Texas.

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Which province province produces the most natural gas?

Alberta produces the most natural gas in Canada.

What is the leading African produce of natural gas?

The leading producer of natural gas in Africa is Algeria. Algeria has an annual gas production of 82,760,000,000 and is the 9th leading producer in the world.

Who is the European producer of natural gas?


What country is the highest producer of natural gas?

The United States is currently the highest producer of natural gas in the world, followed by Russia and Iran.