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wetern european Russia has the mildest climate of all times ok ok it is! i am 88 years old and i used to be a world geography teacher and i still remember all the things i taught about russia in west briar middle school!!BELIEVE ME OR I WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND HAUNT YOU!!!!!!!

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Q: Which part of Russia has the mildest climate?
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Which area of Russia has the mildest climate?

Speaking temperature-wise, Western European Russia hows the mildest temperatures.

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The cold climate.

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The mildest climate is typically found in regions with moderate temperatures, balanced rainfall, and minimal temperature extremes. Coastal areas and regions near the equator often have mild climates due to the influence of maritime air masses and consistent weather patterns.

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The parts of Canada that have the mildest climate are the parts that are west of the Great Lakes region. The snow and cold tends to be a little harsher during winter months near the Great Lakes.