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An election starts off as the current PM holds an election(or early election) there are two parties one is a party called the Australia Labor then the other party is the coalition of 2 party which is National Party and Liberal Party or opposition. The election is hold every Saturday if an election is announced for the election/austalian people comes and vote then at the end of the day the vote is counted by Australian Electoral Commission officer in charge then all the states(territorys maybe)send all the results to Canberra then there the vote is counted up in total then the PM is announced. You have to be 18 and over, citizen of Australia and registered to Australian Electoral Commission to vote.


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16y ago

Australia is a federation of States that has state Governments that are separate from each other and administer law some infrastructure etc on its own behalf and finances this with state taxes levies fines etc. The federal or Australian government has 2 houses of parliament. The lower house, or the House of Representatives, and the upper house or the senate. The representatives in the lower house are voted for in electorates, throughout Australia by its citizens Each state is allotted a given number of senate seats and these are voted for by the whole state. The senate serves as a watch dog to prevent the lower house making laws that are not in the interest of the states. At one point In Australia's history the senate became hostile to the government or the majority in the lower house, causing it to be dissolved and new elections be called for both lower and upper house representatives. Australia has a constitution and according to our constitution we are basically still a monarchy where the Queen of England is the titular head of state advised by a Governor general who is appointed by the Prime minister. The fact is that the queen has no real power in Australia However Australians are nervous about letting their politicians tamper with a system that has worked well for many years. When an Australian votes he is entitled to a preferential voting system. That means that if the representative he votes for is not elected he/she is entitled to state a preference from favorite to least favorite. This means that the vote gets counted again if the first preference is lost. In this way a voter is assured that his vote counts as much as possible as opposed to the first past the post system. Constitutional changes have to be done by referendum and Australians rarely allow constitutional change, once again because they don't trust politicians. They did allow constitutional change in the 60 that led to the recognition of aboriginals as human beings.

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Every citizen who is at least 18 is required to vote

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11y ago

everyone sings the national anthem and whoever sings it the loudest gets to choose and also gets a free beer

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