The Atlantic Ocean borders the Republic of Suriname. In fact, Suriname's capital city of Paramaribo is one of a select group of Latin American capitals that are located on or near to the ocean. But culturally, Suriname may be seen to be closer to Dutch speaking islands of the Caribbean than to predominantly Spanish speaking Latin America.
Brazil forms the southern border with Suriname. Suriname's total border length is 1,060.7 miles [1,707 kilometers]. Its border with Brazil is 370.9 miles [597 kilometers] in length.
suriname,Brazil and Venezuela
The Arctic and the Pacific oceans border Alaska.
Yes, Suriname is near Brazil. In fact, the two countries share a common border. Suriname is bordered on the south by Brazil. Suriname's border with Brazil is 370.9 miles [597 kilometers] in length. This represents almost 35 percent of Suriname's total border length of 1,060.7 miles [1,707 kilometers].
Suriname is one country located north of Brazil. Brazil's border with Suriname is 368 miles [593 kilometers] in length. Suriname's border with Brazil is the shortest of Brazil's ten neighbors.
Brazil is located south of French Guiana and Suriname. Its border with French Guiana is 418.2 miles [673 kilometers]. Its border with Suriname is 370.9 miles [597 kilometers].
The Countries and Bodies of water that border Brazil.Bordering countries or oceans: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela; Bordering Ocean: Atlantic Ocean.
Brazil is located south of French Guiana and Suriname. Its border with French Guiana is 418.2 miles [673 kilometers]. Its border with Suriname is 370.9 miles [597 kilometers].
Brazil is located south of French Guiana and Suriname. Its border with French Guiana is 418.2 miles [673 kilometers]. Its border with Suriname is 370.9 miles [597 kilometers].
Venezuela, Suriname, and Brazil.
venezuala, suriname and Brazil
Guyana, French Guiana, and Brazil share borders with Suriname. Guyana is on the western border. Brazil is on the southern border. French Guiana is on the eastern border. The Atlantic Ocean is on the northern border.