What are Hawaiian people called?
Only Native Hawaiians should be called "Hawaiians". The
preferred form of address would be locals or Hawaii residents.
(Notice the subtle difference of Hawaii from Hawaiian). Many
tourists gaff when they refer to full blooded Chinese, Filippino,
Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese or even Puerto Ricans as Hawaiians,
very few will take serious offense. A belligerent Maori or Samoan
might, but such is the nature of southerners (or so it is said).
Hawaii is also a melting pot of races and it would not be out of
the question to find an individual with genealogical and genetic
ties to Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa, Australia,
Asia and other parts of Oceania.
Genetics can be beautiful when properly and scientifically
employed. That is employed for the purpose of health and science
and not for some idealogical or socialaogical symbolism (as in
seeking for a "Master Aryan") as Nazism was involved.