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Q: Which island is strategically important to the U.S. due to its status as apower projection hub that can be used as a forward base that is five days sailing time closer to Asia than Hawaii?
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Related questions

What is the best projection for sailing?

Mercator is a good projection and it can also be produced with a 'false equator' for single ocean passages like the North Atlantic.

Why is sailing important?

Trade with foreign nations.

How does air pressure move boats?

When a sailing boat is sailing into the wind the shape of the sail acts like a plane's wing and differential pressure across the sail propels the boat forward.

How does air pressure move air?

When a sailing boat is sailing into the wind the shape of the sail acts like a plane's wing and differential pressure across the sail propels the boat forward.

What do stays hold up on a sailing boat?

Stays support the mast on a sailing boat running from the mast forward and aft. Shrouds also support the mast and run from the mast to the sides of the boat.

What is a bowsprit?

The Bowsprit of a sailing vessel is a pole or spar extending forward from the vessel's prow, providing an anchor point for the forestays and allowing the fore-mast to be stepped farther forward on the hull

What sentence has the word 'steering'?

Steering is an important thing when sailing.

What is gerardus mercator famous for?

Gerardus Mercator is famous for creating the Mercator projection, a cylindrical map projection introduced in 1569. This projection became highly influential for navigational purposes due to its ability to represent lines of constant course as straight lines.

What are the important parts of a old sailing ship?

The captain and crew, wheel, keel, hull, deck, masts, sails, anchors, cannons, signalling flags, and rigging are all very important parts of 'an old sailing ship'.

What was the main job in Athens?

Trading, fishing, sailing, and many more jobs were important in ancient Athens. Trading was considered the most important, and most people got their "drachmas" from it.

Why is Adam Young important?

He's in the bands Owl City. Swimming With Dolphins, and Sky Sailing.

What sailing ships did trade winds use?

Trade winds were typically used by sailing ships such as the clipper ships, galleons, and merchant vessels. These ships relied on the steady and predictable trade winds to facilitate their voyages across oceans by harnessing the power of the wind to propel them forward.