There are three permanent basis supported by the government of India. Bharati in the Larsemann Hills, Dakshin Gangotri near Schirmacher Oasis, and Maitri Station in Schirmacher Oasis.
There are no permanent inhabitants in Antarctica.
Antarctica is the continent that lies south of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.
There are no permanent human residents on Antarctica.
Antarctica is the only continent with no indigenous human population. Although some researchers, scientists, and support staff live there temporarily, there are no permanent residents.
That would be Antarctica.
While Antarctica is the 5th largest continent in the world, it has no permanent settlements. In other words, there are no cities. There are, on occasions, small scientific base stations with temporary inhabitants, but no long-term residents.
Since Antarctica has no permanent population, there is no antarctic culture.
Antarctica has no cities. There are some permanent scientific stations.
There is no permanent population in Antarctica: density is zero.
There are no countries or states on Antarctica and no permanent population.
Antarctica basically has no permanent human population.Antarctica basically has no permanent human population.Antarctica basically has no permanent human population.Antarctica basically has no permanent human population.
There is no native or permanent population on Antarctica, and therefore, no 'people' who came from Antarctica.