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Q: Which is the largest Hispanic country in South America?
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What is smallest Hispanic country in South America?

Uruguay is the smallest Hispanic country in South America.

Is Europe a Hispanic country?

Europe is a continent,not a country. Europe is not Hispanic,Hispanic is mainly in South/Central America.

Is the Brazil the largest country in South America?

Yes, Brazil is the largest country in South America.

What is South America's largest country in terms of land?

Brazil is the largest South American country.

Is Uruguay south America's smallest hispanic country?


What is the largest country is South America?

The largest country in South America is Brazil. It is so large it is a region of South America itself.

Which is the Big country in South America?

Brazil is the largest country in South America.

What country in South America has the largest population?

Brazil is South America's largest country in terms of population and area.

What country located in South America would the fifth largest?

Brazil because they are largest country in the south America.

What country located in south America would be the fifth largest?

Brazil because they are largest country in the south America.

What country is the second largest country in land area in south America?

what country is the second largest country in land area in south America

What is the largest continent in South America?

south America is a continent an Brazil is the largest country