Air distance from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada to London, England, United Kingdom is 5,378 kilometers. That is 3,342 miles. It is 2,904 nautical miles.
Distance from Toronto to London is 5728 kilometers or 3559 miles
because of winds and time change the time of flight from London,England to Ottawa,Ont. would be 2 hours and 40 minutes. The flight from Ottawa Ont. to London England with time change would be 11 hours and 45 min.
Of course! They fly from Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, Vancouver, St. John's, Halifax and Edmonton to London.
Ottawa, ON (YOW) to London (LON)Shortest Flight Duration 6 hours 50 mins The total distance from Ottawa Ontario to London England is 3,342 miles. This is equivalent to 5,378 kilometers or 2,904 nautical miles.
The duration of a flight to Ottawa will vary depending on the departure location. On average, a direct flight from major North American cities can take between 1.5 to 4 hours. International flights from further locations may require longer travel times with layovers.
Canada's capital is the City of Ottawa and is located in eastern Canada. The city is officially in the province of Ontario however it borders the province of Quebec.
Ottawa, Ontario is the capital city of Canada.
Ottawa, OntarioThe capital of Canada is Ottawa.
Ottawa. Located in province of Ontario.
A flight will take about 6 hours and 50 minutes.