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South America

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Q: Which is bigger Africa or South America?
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Is Africa bigger then south america?


Is south America bigger than Africa?

yes Africa is bigger

Is North America and South America is bigger or Africa?

yes africa is smaller than n. america and south america together.

Is Asia bigger than Africa and South America?


Which is bigger South America or Australia?

South Africa is a country in the continent of Africa, therefore Africa has a larger area (about 30.2 million km²) than South Africa alone (1,221,037 km2). South Africa contributes to about 4% of the total area of Africa.

Is Africa or Asia bigger?

If by SA you mean South America, then Africa is bigger. If by SA you mean South Africa, then South Africa is in Africa, being one of over 50 countries in Africa, so obviously Africa is much bigger.

What are the continents bigger than south America?

Asia, Africa, North America.

Is north and south America bigger than Africa?

No. Because Africa has 50 cousties. North and South America don't have 50 counties. They are just 2 counties.

Is there a country in Africa that is called South America?

No, there is no country in Africa called South America. However, their are two countries in Africa called South Africa and South Sudan.

Which continent is bigger North America or Africa?

South America is much larger. North America could fit inside South America.

Is south armerica larger than Africa?

Africa is 11688545 square miles while south America is 6890000 square miles. So Africa is noticeably bigger.

What is bigger France or South Africa?

South Africa