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Answeralfonso XI of Castile was the only royal victim of the plague, but Peter IV of Aragon lost his wife, his daughter and a niece in six months. The Byzantine Emperor lost his son, while in the kingdom of France, Joan of Navarre, daughter of Louis X le Hutin and of Margaret of Burgundy, was killed by the plague, as well as Bonne of Luxembourg, the wife of the future John II of France.
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Q: Which important people died during the Black Plague?
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How did the fleas die during the black plague?

During Plague fleas were among the main factors to spread it. People with Plague had bloody vomit fever and tumors.

Which important people died in the Black Plague?

A lot of kings died

What was important religious effect of the black plague?

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What is a sentence about the Black Death plague?

Black Death Plague was pandemic during 1346 to 1353. It killed 75 to 200 million people.

Why was important for the vicar not to get the black plague?

A few reasons. During that time religion was everything. The vicar was one of the most important people in a village. If he died then there would be nobody to lead mass or bless the dead. However the most important reason was people thought the Black Plague was an act of god and the end of days. If the priest dies from the plague it would cause additional fear, lawlessness, and panic. So they tended to protect the Vicars.

What did people do with the dead during the Black Plague?

They buried them or burned them if there were too many to bury.

How many people dided during the Black Plague?

A 3rd of Europes population was affected.

Why was Caffa important to the plague caused by the Black Death?

Caffa was the city where the Black Plague originated.

What did the people think the reason for the black plague was?

the people thought the cause of the black plague was a witches curse.

How were english theaters affected during the black plague?

During the black plague in Europe during the 1300s an estimated 75 to 200 million people died. During peaks of the outbreak English theaters had to shut down since the close concentration of people would have worked to further spread the virus.

What did people do to figure out the cause of the black plague?

The people during the 1300's were freighted of the plague because it was killing people extremely quickly and they couldn't find a cure for it.

How many peasants died in the plague caused by the Black Death?

Over Half of Europe died during the Black death period