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It was built by the East German government is close consultation with the Soviet government.

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Q: Which government was responsible for building the Berlin Wall?
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The Berlin Crisis precipitated the building of the?

Berlin wall.

What is NATO's role in the Berlin wall?

The Berlin Wall no longer exists.NATO had no role in its building, upkeep or policing.

When Germans left East Berlin in large numbers and the East German government did what?

built the Berlin Wall (:A+

Who created the Berlin Wall?

german government

Who was Germany's president after the Berlin Wall?

The West German President during and after the building of the Berlin Wall was Theodore Heuss (1949-1959).

What side was the Berlin Wall torn down by?

The Berlin Wall was torn down by the East German government, who owned it.

What led to construction of the Berlin Wall?

Putting it very simply: the Cold War partitioning of Berlin and the fact that many people in East Berlin were fleeing across the border to West Berlin and freedom. The communist government built the wall to prevent these people from fleeing.

The East German government built the Berlin Wall to?

...keep the East Germans out of West Berlin.

What statement is false with regard to the building to the Berlin wall?

The citizens of West Berlin were moving to East Berlin, taking jobs away from the East Germans.

What two types of government did the Berlin Wall separate?

Brittish and Russian

Who gave the order to build the Berlin Wall?

The leader is always responsible for orders: Krushchev.

Is the Berlin Wall in Germany?

The Berlin wall is a wall that was built to stop the east Germans escaping into the westto get away from the communist government which a lot of people didn't like because of how it worked