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Posiedon or Neptune. one of them is greek and the other is roman but they were both the "rulers of the sea". they were the same person just named differently in different mythologies.

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Q: Which god was the ruler of the sea?
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What was posieden the ruler of?

he was god of the sea.

What was Poseidon the ruler of?

Poseidon is King of the Sea. No god or goddess ruled him in his domain.

Who was the ruler of horses and the seas?

Neptune was the ruler of horses and the seas.

What was Greek god Poseidon's job?

Being the god of the sea. He controls the conditions there and he can make earthquakes.

Is posidon the sea god real?

NO! All the greek gods never did agsist! There is only one ruler and that is god!

What is a domain in greek mythology?

A domain is where a specific God rules. There are 3 domains. The Heavens(Sky)- Zeus is the ruler. The Sea- Poseidon is the ruler. The Underworld- Hades is the ruler.

Who is the ruler of Poseidon?

there are 3 main rulers of Olympus. they are Zeus, poseidon,and hades.the main ruler of Olympus is Zeus god of the skies and thunder.

Why was Poseidon named the god of the sea?

He was named god off the sea because him and his brothers, Zeus and Hades, picked sticks from a hand. Whoever got the longest stick would be the ruler of all gods. The second longest would be ruler of the sea. Te shortest would be the underworld. Poseidon picked the second longest.

What is meant by the divine king of rights?

It is the belief that the ruler of the nation is chosen by God, and as such he and God alone can judge the ruler's behavior.

What constellation is associated with he was ruler of horses and the seas?

Neptune was the ruler of horses and the sea, but he was not a constellation, he was a god. You may be confused here because one of the planets in our solar system is called Neptune.

Who is Brother to Zeus and ruler of the seas?

Zeus has two older brothers; Hades (God of the Underworld) and Poseidon (God of the sea). Zeus is the youngest of six children.

Who is the roman love goddess who was born from sea foam?

There is no Roman goddess of the sea, but Salacia, wife of Neptune (god of the sea), is the Roman goddess of salt water. The analog for this couple in Greek mythology is Amphitrite (Greek goddess of the sea) and Poseidon (Greek god of the sea).Poseidon is the greek name for ruler of the sea andNeptune is the Roman/Latin Name for ruler of the sea