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i think its pieces of Anorthositic rock from the Adirondacks found near Albany

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Q: Which geologic evidence best supports the inference that a continental ice sheet once covered most if new york state?
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Evidence for continental drift includes the fit of the continents like a puzzle, similarities in rock formations and fossils across continents, and matching mountain ranges and geologic structures on different landmasses. Additionally, the distribution of certain species and climate indicators supports the theory of continental drift. These pieces of evidence suggest that the continents were once connected and have since moved apart over millions of years.

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There are fossils of animals that can only live in warm whether, that are all around the world, even on Antarctica

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One main evidence is the fit of the continents' coastlines, particularly the fit of South America and Africa. Fossil evidence of similar species found on different continents also supports the idea of continental drift. Additionally, the matching geological features and rock formations across continents provide further evidence for the theory of continental drift.

What evidence of earth's climate in the past supports the theory of continental drift?

There are fossils of animals that can only live in warm whether, that are all around the world, even on Antarctica

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The evidence from a data table supports a hypotheis is i dont know.

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Fossil evidence such as the presence of identical plant and animal species on continents separated by oceans. This suggests that these continents were once connected and later drifted apart.

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Evidence supporting the existence of Pangaea includes: Fossil evidence of similar species found on different modern continents. Rock formations and mountain ranges that match up when continents are rearranged. Paleoclimatic evidence, such as glacial deposits in regions that are now warmer. Similarities in geologic structures and ages of rocks across continents.