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The second event to occur was the first meeting of the U.S. Congress on March 4, 1789.

May 25, 1787 - the Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia; March 4, 1789 - the first meeting of the U.S. Congress; February 18, 1791 - Vermont became the 14th state in the Union; December 15, 1791 - the Bill of Rights was ratified

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The first even to occur was the Constitutional Convention. May 25, 1787 - the Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia; March 4, 1789 - the first meeting of the U.S. Congress; February 18, 1791 - Vermont became the 14th state in the Union; December 15, 1791 - the Bill of Rights was ratified

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7y ago

The third event to occur was Vermont joins the Union. May 25, 1787 - the Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia; March 4, 1789 - the first meeting of the U.S. Congress; February 18, 1791 - Vermont became the 14th state in the Union; December 15, 1791 - the Bill of Rights was ratified

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7y ago

The second event to occur was the first meeting of the U.S. Congress. May 25, 1787 - the Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia; March 4, 1789 - the first meeting of the U.S. Congress; February 18, 1791 - Vermont became the 14th state in the Union; December 15, 1791 - the Bill of Rights was ratified

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7y ago

The second event to occur was the first meeting of the U.S. Congress. May 25, 1787 - the Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia; March 4, 1789 - the first meeting of the U.S. Congress; February 18, 1791 - Vermont became the 14th state in the Union; December 15, 1791 - the Bill of Rights was ratified.

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7y ago

The Constitutional Convention was the first event to occur.

May 25, 1787 - the Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia; March 4, 1789 - the first meeting of the U.S. Congress; February 18, 1791 - Vermont became the 14th state in the Union; December 15, 1791 - the Bill of Rights was ratified

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Q: Which event occurred third Constitutional Convention The Bill of Rights is ratified Vermont joins the Union the meeting of the First Congress?
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The third event to occur was Vermont joins the Union. May 25, 1787 - the Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia; March 4, 1789 - the first meeting of the U.S. Congress; February 18, 1791 - Vermont became the 14th state in the Union; December 15, 1791 - the Bill of Rights was ratified

Where was the Constitutional Convention held in 2010?

There was no constitutional convention in 2010 or at any other time since the US Constitution was ratified.

What are the two steps that would be needed to formally change the electoral system?

A constitutional amendment would have to be proposed, either by the congress or a constitutional convention, and then the amendment would have to be ratified by three fourths of the states.

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 recommended the document be ratified by?

the state legislatures

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The constitution can be amended two ways outside of Congress. One is to hold a constitutional convention that would need to initiated by 2/3 (34 states) of the several states, followed by the convention and anything from the constitutional convention must be ratified by the 3/4 (38 states) of the several states. Another way is to simply proposed an amendment and have it pass through a state legislature or a state convention, which will then need to be ratified by 3/4 (38 states) of the several states. read article 5 of the constitution

What US Supreme Court case took place during the Constitutional Convention time period?

None. The Constitutional Convention occurred before the states ratified the Constitution, and before Congress created the Federal court system.The US Supreme Court was established by the Judiciary Act of 1789, under Article III of the Constitution, and met for the first time on February 2, 1790. They did not hear their first case for approximately two years.

Amendments can be ratified passed by whom?

Amendments can be proposed and passed by a two-thirds vote of each house of Congress (the House of Representatives and the Senate), then must be ratified by at least three-fourths of the state legislatures. Optionally, two-thirds of the States may call a Constitutional Convention to propose an amendment, which must then be ratified by at least three-fourths of the state legislatures. The last Constitutional Convention in the United States was held in Philadelphia in 1787.