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i think Babylon but I'm not sure so don't trust me lol

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Q: Which empire conquered north Israel?
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What empire conquered israel and judah?

Assyria conquered Israel, then Babylon conquered Assyria and Judah, then Persia conquered Babylon, then the Seuclid Empire conquered Judah, then the Judeans revolted, then Rome conquered Judah, then the Islamic Caliphate conquered the Byzantine Empire (the remains of the Roman Empire). The Ottoman Empire conquered Judah from the Cusaders who had conquered it from its Islamic rulers. Then the British Empire took it from the Ottomans.

What empire conquered the northern kingdom of Israel and when?

The Assyrian Empire conquered the northern kingdom of Israel in 722 BCE, renaming it as the Assyrian province of Samaria.

What major empire conquered Israel last?

Britain from 1919-1948.

What ended the independence of the kingdom of israel?

The Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrian Empire in 722 B.C.E. effectively ending its independence.

Who conquered ancient Israel?

Alot of people conquered Israel but the most notorious one was Saladin's empire in Egypt after all that happen European colonies happened and Israel got its Independence in 1948

Who is Israel conquered by?

The Modern State of Israel is not yet conquered.

When did the Ottoman Empire take control of Israel?

The Ottoman Empire conquered the territory that currently composes Israel from the Mamluks in 1517 and lost it 1919.

What date was Israel conquered by the Assyrians?

Israel was conquered in 722 BCE.

Who posed an eastern threat to byzantine empire?

The eastern threat to the Byzantines were the Arabs, who conquered the Byzantine Levant (Syria, Lebanon and Israel/Palestine) and Egypt, the Seljuk Turks who conquered part of Anatolia (modern Turkey) and the Ottoman Turks who conquered the remaining land of this empire and brought it to an end. At one point there was also conflict to the north-east with the Russians. This ended when Vladimir the Great married the daughter of the Byzantine emperor and converted to Orthodox Christianity.

Alexander the Great conquered what empire?

Alexander conquered the Persian Empire.

What was the most powerful empire in Europe it conquered all of western Europe north Africa and much of Britain and the eastern mediterranean?

The Roman Empire.

Who did the assyrian's conquered?

they conquered the Babylonians