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Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo in current Bosnia. Yugoslavia

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Q: Which country was blamed by austria for the assassination of archduck Ferdinand?
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What country did the assassination that started WW1 start in?

Austria (Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand)

Who was the Archduke of Austria whose assassination led to World War 1?

Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophia on June 28, 1914.

What did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria do to cause world war 1?

the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria caused different countries to to alliance with one and another so that if there was a war they would help each other, to protect the royals in the country. the more countries that joined each alliance began people to begin fighting for each country and this was when the out break of ww1 started.

Which was the first country to declare war on another country at the outbreak of World War 1?

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia after the assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand starting WWI

Whose assassination started World War 1when was he assassinated what country was he from?

It was the Archduke Franz (or Francis) Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia, 28 June 1914. .

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Why did austria attack Serbia in World War 1?

Austria-Hungary tought that Serbia was responsible for assassination of Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, who were murderd when they took the wrong turn on the way to seeing their new army.

Which country did austria declare war on to begin world war 1?

Belgium. Neutral Belgium was attacked by the Germans on there way to France

What country declared war after archduke Ferdinand was assassinated?
