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Q: Which country of Europe has a high level of tectonic activity?
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Which of a planet's fundamental properties has the greatest effect on its level of volcanic and tectonic activity?

The planet's internal heat is the fundamental property that has the greatest effect on its level of volcanic and tectonic activity. This heat comes from the planet's formation, radioactive decay of elements, and gravitational energy. The internal heat drives the movement of tectonic plates and leads to volcanic activity.

Which of a planets properties have the greatest effect on its level of volcanic and tectonic activity?

The internal temperature and composition of a planet's core have the greatest effect on its level of volcanic and tectonic activity. A planet with a hot, molten core is more likely to experience frequent volcanic eruptions and tectonic plate movement. Additionally, a planet's size and distance from its star can also influence its geological activity.

What fundamental properties have the greatest effect on its level of volcanic and tetonic activity?

The composition of the Earth's mantle and lithosphere, as well as the amount of heat within the Earth's interior, are fundamental properties that have the greatest effect on volcanic and tectonic activity. The presence of magma chambers, subduction zones, and plate boundaries also play a significant role in determining the level of volcanic and tectonic activity in a region.

How does the land of Europe affect the country?

Because it is under sea level

Can mountains form from level surface and move upward?

Yes, mountains can form from level surfaces through the process of tectonic plate movement and crustal uplift. This can happen when tectonic plates collide, causing compression and folding of the Earth's crust, leading to the formation of mountains. Over millions of years, the mountains can continue to rise as a result of tectonic activity and erosion.

Which area on the world map is likely to have volcanoes above sea level?

Areas along tectonic plate boundaries, such as the Ring of Fire around the Pacific Ocean, are likely to have volcanoes above sea level. This is due to the movement and interaction of the Earth's tectonic plates that create conditions for volcanic activity to occur.

What events caused the formation of most islands in the South Pacific?

Most islands in the South Pacific were formed through volcanic activity, where magma from the Earth's mantle rises to the surface, creating new land. Additionally, some islands were formed by coral reefs growing on submerged volcanoes or tectonic activity where tectonic plates shifted and caused land to rise above sea level.

What causes an earthquake and how you know weather it is likely to happen in a particular location?

It is when two tectonic plates collide and they rubs, this causes the rubble which you get from the earthquake. You only get earthquakes if your country is in between a tectonic plate or on the tectonic plate.

How would you define the business cycle.?

A business cycle refers to the ups and downs of the general level of economic activity for a country.

Earthquakes and volcanoes located near the equator through south america and africa?

These earthquakes and volcanoes are primarily located along the boundary of the South American and African tectonic plates. The movement of these plates generates seismic activity and magma that leads to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the region. This area is known for its high level of seismic and volcanic activity due to the complex interactions between these major tectonic plates.

How long has the pacific ring of fire been around?

The Pacific Ring of Fire has been around for millions of years, formed by the movements of tectonic plates along the boundaries of the Pacific Ocean. It is characterized by frequent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes due to the high level of tectonic activity in the region.

What is a budget which is prepared for one level of activity?

a budget which is prepared for one level of activity is: