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Q: Which country is farther south the Dominican Republic or Jamaica?
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Which country is farther north Dominican Republic of the congo or Paraguay?

The Dominican Republic of the Congo is further north then Paraguay.

Which country is farther north the democratic republic of Congo or paraguanuy?

The Democratic Republic of Congo is farther north than Paraguay.

What country is farther North Democratic Republic at the cango or Paraguay?

democratic republic of cango

What country is farther north the democratic republic of Congo ar paraguay?

It is Paraguay.

Why wasn't the Dominican Republic affected by the Haiti earthquake?

The Dominican Republic was not as severely affected by the Haiti earthquake because it was further away from the epicenter of the earthquake. The geography and tectonic plate boundaries in the region also played a role in the distribution of seismic activity. Additionally, the Dominican Republic has stronger infrastructure and building codes compared to Haiti, which helped minimize the impact of the earthquake.

What country is farther north Congo or Paraguay?

Both of these countries are in Africa. The northern border of the Democratic Republic of Congo is farther north than the northernmost border of Paraguay.

What country is farther north Congo democratic republic or paraguay?

Democratic Republic of the Congo is further north.

Why is Japan time ahead of Jamaica?

In the path between Japan and Jamaica that does not cross the international date line, Japan is farther east.

Which country is father north the Democratic Republic Of Congo or Paraguay?

Paraguay lies at 19 degrees South in latitude (furthest extent North) and assuming you mean Democratic Republic of Congo, it lies at 6 degrees North in Latitude. Democratic Republic of Congo is farther north

What country is farther north paraguay or Zaire?

Zaire is farther north. Paraguay's northern border is about 19 degrees south of the equator and Zarie/Republic of Congo's northern border is about 5 degrees and 18 minutes south of the equator.

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The capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek (previously called Frunze), is further north than any Jamaica's or Laos' capital.

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