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Spain and Portugal ruled most of Latin America, although Native Americans lived there before then.

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16y ago

Brazil Spain. Portugal ruled Brazil & all the rest was Spanish excepting British, French & Dutch Guiana. but then, thinking about it is Brazil more than 50% of South America ?

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13y ago

Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, and France had, or have, colonies in Latin America.

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Q: Which country had ruled the most area of latin America?
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What is the largest country in Latin America'America?

The largest country in Latin America is Brazil, both in terms of land area and population.

Whats the smallest country in Latin America?

The smallest country in Latin America is El Salvador, with a total land area of around 21,041 square kilometers.

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The United States has a larger land area than Latin America. Latin America is a region made up of countries in the Americas where Romance languages are primarily spoken. The United States is a single country with a land area that is greater than any individual country in Latin America.

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Brazil is such country. It has an area almost the size of the whole United States.

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Brazil is the largest country, both in terms of population and land area, within Latin America. Its population is 204.26 million (2016) and its area is 8.5 million square kilometers (3.28 sq mi), slightly smaller than the U.S.

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Latin America has an area of approximately 6.9 million square miles.

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Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking country in Latin America. It is the largest country in the region and the fifth largest country in the world by both area and population. The official language spoken in Brazil is Portuguese due to its colonial history with Portugal.

What area is the largest area in Latin America?

The Amazon rainforest.

How big is the land of Latin America?

Latin America has an area of approximately 21,069,501 km2 (7,880,000 sq. mi.)

Which latin American country is smaller that Massachusetts?

The smallest Latin American country is El Salvador, with an area of 21 040 km2 or 8124 miles2. Also, the second smallest Latin American country of Belize has an area of 22 996 km2 or 8867 miles2. In contrast, Massachusetts has an area of 27 336 km2 or 10 555 miles2. Therefore, El Salvador and Belize are smaller than Massachusetts. The third smallest country in Latin America, Costa Rica, has an area of 51 100 km2, or 19 653 miles2. This is almost double the area of Massachusetts.

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what country is the second largest country in land area in south America

What area of Latin America is Mexico and Central America located at?

Both regions are located on the northern portion of Latin America, bordering the United States.