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Vietnam wasn't a country during or before World War II. That region of the world was known as French Indochina. Tonkin came under the control of France at the end of the Sino-French War in 1885. French Indochina was formed by the combination of the French Protectorate of Annam, the French controlled region of Tonkin, and the colony of Cochinchina in the south finally in 1887. French Indochina comprised all of modern day Vietnam, and large parts of Laos, Cambodia, and Guangzhouwan (small portion of southern China).With the fall of France to Nazi Germany in the opening days of WWII, French control over the region began slipping when the puppet Vichy gave access to Tonkin to the Japanese in 1940. The Japanese used the opportunity to gain control over all of French Indochina, and remained in control until Japan surrendered to the US in August 1945.

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