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Q: Which countries run through the 40 degree south co-ordinate?
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What continents does the 30 degree line of longitude pass through?

The 30-degree line of longitude passes through North America, Africa, and Australia.

Through which four South American countries does the 20 degree south line of latitude pass?

Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay are the four South American countries through which the 20 degree south line of latitude passes. The 20 degree south line of latitude is 20 degrees south of the equator. It's called the 20th parallel south.One, it passes through Chile at 20 degrees South latitude and 70 degrees 7 minutes West longitude.Two, it passes through Boliva twice, at 20 degrees South latitude and 68 degrees 33 minutes West longitude; and at 20 degrees South latitude and 58 degrees 10 minuts West longitude.Three, it passes through Paraguay at 20 degrees South latitude and 61 degrees 53 minutes West longitude.Four, it passes through Brazil at 20 degrees South latitude and 57 degrees 52 minutes West longitude.

What countries in South America does the Arctic Circle pass through?

The Arctic Circle does not pass through any South American countries.

What is the LLD Degree?

In some countries such as Sweden and South Africa and LLD degree is the highest academic degree in law. It is equivalent to a J.D. in the United States.

What is the country or city of 1 degree north and 101 degree south?

There is no location that is both 1 degree north and 101 degrees south simultaneously. One would be in the Northern Hemisphere (1 degree north) and the other in the Southern Hemisphere (101 degrees south), which are opposite sides of the equator.

What city is measures that 1 degree south and 104 degrees north?

-- No point on Earth can have both a north and a south coordinate (unless it's zero). -- Latitude is never greater than 90 degrees, whether north or south.

What three countires in south america does the equator pass through?

There are only three countries in South America that the equator passes through. Those countries are Columbia, Ecuador, and Brazil.

What four south American countries does the Tropic of Capricorn pass through?

The four South American countries that the Tropic of Capricorn passes through are Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil.

What three countries in south america have the eaquator passing through them?

The three countries in South America through which the equator passes are Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil.

Which southern countries does the tropic of capicorn pass through?

The Tropic of Capricorn passes through four countries. It passes through the countries of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, and Mozambique.

Which countries in Africa are north or south of the tropic of Capricorn?

No countries in Africa are located south of the Tropic of Capricorn. The Tropic of Capricorn runs through the southern hemisphere, passing through countries such as Namibia, Botswana, and Madagascar in Africa.

What single figure is the latitude and longitude coordinate of the south pole?

The latitude coordinate of the South Pole is 90 degrees South, and the longitude coordinate can be considered to be any value since all lines of longitude converge at the poles.