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The Answer is B. Temperate

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Q: Which climate zone experiences the greatest change in temperature during the year A. Tropical B. Temperate C. Polar D. Arctic?
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Which climate zone experiences the greatest change in temperature during the year?

Temperate Temperate

Temperature differences between surface water and deep water are greatest at?

at temperate and tropical latitudes

What climate zones experiences the greatest change in temp during the year?

temperate. 100%

Where are you most likely to find the greatest variety and numbers of animal life?

Either the tropical rain forest or the temperate rain forest have the greatest diversity.

What is climatic normals?

The Earth has many different climates, depending on which part of the world one is in. The tropical zones have hotter climates than the Arctic and Antarctic zones. The temperate zones experience the greatest temperature fluctuations.

Biome type that has lost the greatest percentage of its original area due to human activities?

Tropical rainforests have lost the greatest percentage of their original area due to human activities like deforestation for agriculture, logging, and urbanization. This has led to significant biodiversity loss and environmental impacts on a global scale.

Which planet experiences the greatest change between its actual day temperature and actual night temperature?

Mercury with a surface temperature of 700K in the daytime and 100K in the night

Which climate zone has the greatest change in temperature between winter and summer months?

Polar climates typically have the greatest temperature difference between winter and summer months. This is because in polar regions, summers have nearly continuous daylight, causing temperatures to rise significantly, while long winter nights result in a sharp drop in temperatures.

Why does temperate zone support the greatest variety of organisms?

That is not usually true. The environments that have the greatest biodiversity are typically found in the tropics. The tropics receive a consistant supply of solar radiation and are more humid than environments elsewhere. This allows greater ecological complexity in tropical environments.

Insect populations are greatest in what environment?


The greatest variety of climates is found in what region?

The greatest variety of climates is found in the region near the equator, known as the tropics. This region experiences a wide range of climates, from tropical rainforests to deserts, due to the Earth's tilt and proximity to the sun.

What is A forest or jungle near the equator that is characterized by large amounts of rain and little variation in temperature and that contains the greatest known diversity of organisms?

Such a forest is called a Tropical Rain Forest