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Q: Which administration's efforts to mislead the American people were revealed by the publication of the Pentagon Papers?
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Which administrations efforts to mislead the American people were revealed by the publication of the Pentagon papers?

The Johnson administration .

Which administration's effort's to mislead the American people were revealed by the publication of the Pentagon papers?


Why were pentagon papers so controversial?

They revealed things about the Vietnam War that the American people did not know.

Why did the Pentagon Papers fuel anti war feelings?

The Pentagon Papers revealed that the U.S. government had been misleading the people about its involvement in Vietnam, both about the intentions and the outcomes of the conflict. The government in return brought a case against the publishers of the papers, declaring that the publication be halted because the papers were top-secret and relevant to national security. However, the court overturned the government's decision and approved the publication of the information. The Pentagon Papers contributed to the beginning of American mistrust in the government concerning the conduct of the war in Vietnam, a sentiment that has persisted into today.

What information was reveales in the Pentagon papers?

the lies of american leader about involvement in Vietnam

What information was revealed on the Pentagon papers?

That they were lie to the people of the united states.

What the pentagon papers revealed?

they revealed that the war had been expanded and more u.s troops were sent to fight in indochina.

What is the name of the study that revealed that US efforts were compromised in Vietnam?

Purple Dragon

What papers revealed that few government officials felt the war in Vietnam was winnable?


Why did President Nixon try to stop The New York Times from publishing the Pentagon Papers?

President Nixon tried to stop The New York Times from publishing the Pentagon Papers in order to prevent the public from learning about the government's involvement and decisions in the Vietnam War, as the documents revealed classified information that could damage the reputation of the administration and affect public opinion. Nixon believed that the disclosure would undermine national security and his administration's credibility.

What did the pentagon papers reveal?

they revealed that the war had been expanded and more u.s troops were sent to fight in indochina.

Who released the pentagon papers that infuriated Richard Nixon and revealed many unknown aspects of the government?

Daniel Ellsburg