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Q: Which United States city had the worst incident of racial violence due to World War 2 migration?
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What role did migration play in populating the united States?

what role did migration play in populating the United States?

What is the northern migration?

The norther migration or great migration involved the exodus of African Americans from the southern United States to northern cities.

Which state had the highest migration in 2011?

In the year 2011 the United States saw over three hundred thousand immigrants apply and migrate to the United States. Within the United States California has the highest migration rate with over 210,000 immigrants.

What has the author Michael Couzens written?

Michael Couzens has written: 'Reflections on the study of violence' -- subject(s): United States, United States. National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. Final report, Violence

How did the African migration affect the US politically?

African migration made the united states turn toward communism

Violence or the threat of violence is what?

Violence or the threat (verbal threat) of violence is considered assault in the United States. The threat of violence is a crime and can result in jail time.

The largest migration flow for the past 150 years has been to?

It has been to the United States.

How did spread from its roots in the 1920s?

Jazz started in the southern united states and spread north with the great migration

What is is a migration?

They specialize in getting people into the United States legally. They fight deportation and try to get people work visas and qualify for citizenship.

What is the process of westward migration?

The process of westward migration is referring to an exponentially important element of American history. It is the term that describes the expansion that took place during the times of the Continental United States. It explains that the colonies branched westward during that time, contributing to what we now know as The United States of America (instead of what was once known as The Continental US).

What caused massive migration of Vietnamese people in the US?

After the North conquered the South, Vietnamese people who had supported and worked with the United States were threatened by the new government and fled to the United States.

What were the consequences of rapid population growth in the twentieth century?

migration to Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand an increase in the use of coal the growth of cities