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I believe this is the best and most updated list of Oregon Municipal Bonds that are available.

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Q: Which Oregon Municipal Bonds are available?
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Related questions

How do you find available Oregon taxfree municipal bonds?

Go to Oregon Municipal Bonds they have hundreds.

Where can you get insured municipal bonds?

When looking to secure insured municipal bonds to gain some advice before securing any. Sites such as Bank Rate offer information about insured municipal bonds. Information about how to get insured municipal bonds is available from the news section of the Morning Star website.

Which types of bonds are available through a bank?

There are many types of bonds that are available through a bank. The types of bonds available include US Government securities, Mortgage backed securities, municipal bonds, and corporate bonds.

Where is the best place to buy municipal bonds in Canada?

There are a few different online websites where you can purchase municipal bonds in Canada. The websites also contain information about the different municipal bonds available. A few of these websites include the Municipal Finance Authority of BC, TD Canada Trust, and RBC Direct Investing.

How are municipal bonds used?

Municipal bonds are used to borrow against assets.

When are municipal bonds exempt from taxes?

Municipal Bonds are bonds that are tax exempt from many tax offices. Municipal Bonds are exempt from tax when they are accepted by the local tax office depending on the law of the state.

What companies offer muni bonds in California?

Here's a search engine where you can search for available municipal bonds in California: (use the "bonds for sale" tab). Note the minimum purchase requirement.

Where can information on buying municipal bonds be found?

An investment banker can provide information on municipal bonds and stocks. When purchasing municipal bonds you are technically lending money to the bond and in return getting reimbursed with interest.

What are some websites that I could learn about municipal bonds?

Municipal bonds are isused by counties, cities and states. They can be purchased directly from them upon their release. Another way to buy municipal bonds is through a broker.

Where does one find information about purchasing municipal bonds?

One can find out information about purchasing municipal bonds from the Securities and Exchange Commission website. There is an informative bulletin regarding municipal bonds located on their website.

What are the two types of municipal bonds?

The two main types of municipal bonds are general obligation bonds, which are backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing municipality, and revenue bonds, which are backed by the revenue generated from a specific project or source, such as tolls or utility fees.

What has the author William L Raymond written?

William L. Raymond has written: 'State and municipal bonds' -- subject(s): Investments, Municipal bonds, State bonds