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Baldr (also Balder, Baldur) the Norse god associated with light, beauty, love and happiness.

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Q: Which Norse god was killed with a dart made of mistletoe?
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Which god was assassinated with mistletoe?

Balder, the god of light was assassinated with dart made of mistletoe by the god of mischief Loki.

What is a misslletoad?

You are probably asking about Mistletoe. It is small leafy green plant that grows in oak trees. Often considered a parasite for the oaks.People often decorate with it around Christmas, and believe that one should kiss under it.A spear made of Mistletoe was the weapon that killed Baldor in Norse Mythology.

When was the mistletoe created?

Under the Mistletoe was created on 2011-11-01.

Why does the mistletoe exist?

Ecologically, mistletoe plays an important role in enhancing diversity in an ecosystem as well as provide a means for distribution of pollen.Culturally, mistletoe has significance in Christmas as well as Druidic and Nordic mythology. The former is the custom of kissing under the mistletoe, the origin of which is from Druidic customs of using mistletoe to ward off evil. It was also said that Loki killed Balder with an arrow made of mistletoe, because that was the one plant Frigga had not asked to never harm her son.

What are dart points?

Dart points are made of steel, they help the dart stick in the board.

When was the silver dart made and what year?

the silver dart was a plane

What is 90w dart made of?

90W dart consists of 90w,7Ni,3Fe.

How many Dart GT's were made in 1971?

None, the Dart GT was discontinued after 1970.

Is there a 1998 dodge dart?

As far as I know dodge never made the dart past 1975 unless they made it for foreign countries.

Who made the dwarfs in Norse mythology?

the germans

What is the relationship between trees and mistletoe?

Mistletoe is a parasite that lives off the tree.

When was mistletoe first used in a holiday song?

Mistletoe was first used in songs to honor the legend of the mistletoe plant. The legend is, there was a god named Baldur, son of Frigga. Frigate told every animal and plant not to harm Baldur, but mistletoe escaped hearing this. Then Loki, enemy of Baldur, tricked the blind god of winter into shooting Baldur with an arrow that had a shaft made of mistletoe.