legislative audit committee
There are many recruitment agencies for financial services. Some examples include Wall Street Services, Hays, Randstad Financial & Professional and many more.
These agencies provide public related services. Payroll may be an example of this. Other dealings with the public are also included. An example is reviewing articles before they are posted
NCO Financial Services, Inc, is the largest collection agency in the world. Like most collection agencies they buy debts for fraction of the amount and then harass debtors until they pay up. NCO had to pay up after losing the largest lawsuit in history for illegal practices.
Audits of governmental agencies are typically both financial and compliance audits.
In terms of federal agencies, it's important to know that NONE of them regulate financial planners, but there are probably a handful of small organizations keeping their eyes on things.
Pursuant to the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, a deputy director for management was established within the OMB to coordinate financial management functions with the various federal agencies
Following World War II, responsibility for bookkeeping practices was transferred to executive agencies, and the GAO's orientation shifted to auditing. It began to conduct financial audits of government corporations.
World bank
One of the main elements of the financial system in the Philippines is financial claims. Other main elements are financial institutions, financial markets, government agencies, and law and policies.