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Q: Which Macedonian leader originally devised the plan to conquer Asia?
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What Macedonian leader is considered one of the greater conquerors in history and why?

ALEXANDER THE GREAT is the Macedonian leader who is considered one of the greatest conquerors in history. It should be made clear, though, that Alexander the Great was a Greek Macedonian, as opposed the modern Slavic Macedonian population.

Who was the greatest Macedonian leader?

Alexander the Great

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Phillip II

The Macedonian leader who loved Greek culture was?

Phillip II

What was the name of the first macedonian leader?

king phillip the second

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Which Macedonian greek leader conquered many lands in Europe Africa and Asia?

It was Alexander the Great. He did not conquer lands In Europe. He conquered the Persian Empire which had lands on Asia and included Egypt, the only land in north Africa ehich came under his dominion

What Macedonian leader established the first lighthouse and the worlds largest library?

Ptolemy Soter.

What great leader spread Greek ways?

Alexander the Great did that - he was not a Greek but rather a Macedonian.

What Macedonian leader appreciated the Greek culture?

Phillip of Macedonia, Alexander the Great's father

What was the name of the military ruler who conquered the Middle East Egypt and Persia for Greece?

Strictly following the wording of the question, there is no such person. Greece never expanded beyond the Aegean and surrounding territories. However, the Macedonian Empire, which is often incorrectly called "Greek" since its culture was strongly influenced by that of Greece, did conquer Greece AND the Middle East, Egypt, and Persia. The leader of the Macedonian Empire at that time was ALEXANDER THE GREAT.

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Napoleon Bonaparte