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Q: Where would you find a salt flat desert in southwest Asia?
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Where to find dikes and canals in Southwest Asia?

There are no dikes or canals in Southwest Asia as those things would require an abudance of water, which Southwest Asia lacks.

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Where can you find a wadi?

Wadi is the Arabic term for a valley or dry riverbed. You would most likely find them in southwest Asia.

Which continent will you find Gobi Desert?

The Gobi Desert is in the continent Asia - it covers parts of northern China and Southern Mongolia.

What technology did American Indians of the desert southwest use to survive?

American Indians of the Desert Southwest would use clay and other resources they could find to make survival possible.

Where can you find the Arabian Desert?

You can find the Arabian Desert in Asia on the Arabian Peninsula.

Would you find a desert in the northern part of the US?

No, all true deserts in the U.S. are in the southwest part of the country.

What is the animals shelter in the desert?

Animals in the desert would dig holes in the ground or find a little cave and call it home

What place did Christopher Columbus find?

Christopher Columbus found India Asia (aka: southwest Asia.)

In which state in the southwest region can you find the Painted Desert?

The Painted Desert, part of the larger Colorado Plateau Desert, is in the state of Arizona.

On what continent is the Arabian Desert located?

Answer 1The Arabian Desert is on the Arabian Peninsula in the southern half of the Middle East. Answer 2There are three Arabian deserts: One in North Africa called SaharaIn the Arabian Peninsula (Asia) in the Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaTo the west of Egypt and is called the Western DesertArabia

Would you most likely find a desert in the northern or southern part of the U.S?

Most of the major deserts of the United States are in the southwest part of the country.