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Artifacts were found In Monte Verde

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Q: Where were artifacts of the clovis people found?
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Where and when did clovis people and folsom people live?

Clovis artifacts are found from Chesapeak Bay to New Mexico. Folsom artifacts are found from Texas to California.

How can you use huntergather and artifact in a sentence about the clovis peopleof north America?

The Clovis people of North America were skilled hunter-gatherers who left behind distinctive artifacts, such as finely crafted stone tools and spear points. These artifacts provide important clues about the Clovis people's way of life and their interactions with the environment.

List in order clovis points were found in New Mexico ice age begins Pre-Clovis artifacts are found near Monte verde Chile and people migrate from Asia to North America?

Ice age begins Pre-Clovis artifacts are found near Monte Verde, Chile (indicating early human presence in the Americas) People migrate from Asia to North America, potentially crossing via the Bering land bridge Clovis points are found in New Mexico (indicating the presence of a distinct Paleo-Indian culture)

Why are the Clovis people important to archeologists?

they provide artifacts to help them study the past

When were pre-Clovis artifacts found near Monte Verde Chile?

18 Feb 2000

How do you know about the people who lived in Clovis years ago?

By studying artifacts and identifying how they were used.

How old are preClovis artifacts?

The pre-Clovis artifacts were 18,000 years old

What are five artifacts found by the archaeologists from the Lasalle?

Clovis spear points Bison bone tools Shell beads Pottery fragments Burial mounds

How did artifacts found at Meadowcroft Rock Shelter change many archaeologists' theories?

The peopling of America has long been a very controversial subject with adherents of one theory or another fiercely defending their positions. It was long held that the Clovis people were the first humans in North America and the Clovis first crowd still holds that view. But finds ar Meadowcroft and other places have all but debunked the Clovis first position. Artifacts at Meadowcroft are dated to between 16,000 and 19,000 years. If the 19,000 dating is correct then Meadowcroft would be the oldest known site of human habitation in the Western Hemisphere.

How did the artifacts found at Meadowcroft Rock Shelter change many archaeologists's theories?

The peopling of America has long been a very controversial subject with adherents of one theory or another fiercely defending their positions. It was long held that the Clovis people were the first humans in North America and the Clovis first crowd still holds that view. But finds Ar Meadow croft and other places have all but debunked the Clovis first position. Artifacts at Meadow croft are dated to between 16,000 and 19,000 years. If the 19,000 dating is correct then Meadow croft would be the oldest known site of human habitation in the Western Hemisphere.

What is a sentence with the word hunter-gatherer and artifact about the clovis people of north America?

The Clovis people of North America were skilled hunter-gatherers who left behind distinctive stone artifacts, such as spear points, which are recognized as some of the earliest signs of human habitation in the region.

When did archaeologists find evidence of clovis people in America?

Archaeologists found evidence of Clovis people in America dating back to approximately 13,000 years ago, making them some of the earliest known inhabitants of the continent. The Clovis culture is known for their distinctive stone tools, such as fluted spear points, which have been found at various archaeological sites across North America.