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In 1645 Massachusetts became the first regular production site for iron ore in the colonies with the building of the Hammersmith ironworks just north of Boston

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Q: Where was iron ore first produced in the U.S.?
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List of the metalic and nonmetallic minerals produced in the US?

Metallic minerals produced in the US include copper, gold, silver, and iron ore. Nonmetallic minerals produced in the US include sand and gravel, phosphate rock, limestone, and gypsum.

The US had an abundance of coal and what?

Iron ore

Where to find iron ore in the US?

in your nose

Why US and Canada are importers and exporters of iron ore?

The countries that produce major iron ore in the world include China, Brazil, Australia, India, Russia, Canada and US. The type of iron ore found in these countries varies from each other. This factor forces or compels countries to import that kind of iron ore which is not found or is short in their country. Likewise they export the type of iron ore which is surplus one.

What is the largest iron ore producing area in the US?

U.S. states with iron ore deposits are Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

What ore does iron come from?

Iron ore typically comes from two main types of deposits: hematite and magnetite. Hematite ore is a reddish-brown ore that is high in iron content, while magnetite ore is a dark, black ore with magnetic properties. These ores are mined and then processed to extract the iron metal.

In what part of the us are large deposits of iron ore found?

Large deposits of iron ore are found in the Iron Range region of Minnesota in the United States. This area is known for its extensive iron mining operations due to the high-quality iron ore reserves present there.

Can iron ore still be found in the US?

Yes, iron ore can be found in the USA but it can be hard to dig up. There are rumored to be large deposites in Central NY.

Which area of the US has provided most of the iron ore for America's huge steel industry?

The Mesabi Range of Minnesota provided most of the iron ore for America's steel industry.

What did the Hittites give us?

They discovered a Iron in ore. They were the first to discover iron and use it for weapons and tools. They wanted to keep their new finding a secret but it eventually was passed around by cultural diffusion.

Who produced large quantities of steel very efficiently by buying and controlling iron ore deposits steel mills and railroads He helped the US become an important economic power in the world?

Andrew Carnegie.

What are some natural resources in the north east region of the US?

maple syrup, rocks ,coal ,iron ore, trees, and minerals.