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Q: Where was Prussia located in World War 1?
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Was Prussia a territory of Germany in World War 1?

Prussia was the biggest of the German states from 1871-1934 (when the states were abolished by the Nazis).

What war was between Prussia and Denmark in 1864?

The Second Schleswig War began on February 1, 1864 when Prussia crossed into Schleswig. It was fought between Denmark, Prussia and Austria.

What year did the US send troops to fight in Germany in World War I?

There was almost no fighting in Germany in World War 1, except in East Prussia in August-September, 1914.

Where was World War 1 located?

Every were in the world du that's why its called WORLD war 1

What countries are associated with world war 1?

Africa, Afghanistan, mother Russia, Prussia, Potatoe, Antarctica, Norway, Alaska.

What consequences did world war 1 and 2 leave?

Germany lost a lot of its eastern territories including east prussia.

Which areas of Germany were given to Poland?

East Prussia After World War 1 * Most of Posen and West Prussia * A part of Upper Silesia After World War 2 * All of Silesia not already transferred to Poland * Most of Pommerania * The southern two-thirds of East Prussia * The eastern part of Brandenburg * All areas of Posen and West Prussia not already transferred to Poland In 1945-47 most of the German-speaking population was expelled from these areas and sent to West Germany.

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Who was in charge of Germany during world war 1?

Frederick William Victor Albert of Prussia

What are the 2 countries which involved in World War 1?

there were many countries that were involved in WW1, like: france, germany, russia, prussia, america, england etc.

When did France declare war on Austria Prussia and Britain?

In World War 1 France declared war on the central powers which included Austria-Hungary two countries combined under one monarch.

Where were the first attacks of World War 1?

Looks like Prussia (southern Lithuania, the Kaliningrad exclave of Russia and north-eastern Poland)