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Yes, Oregon was bombed by the Japanese in World War II. One attack occured at place called Mount Gearhart. In fact, many states were bombed by Japan. I believe the number is close to ten or more. During the Mount Gearhart attack, six people were killed. They were all killed by a "balloon bomb".

The Japanese attempted to shell Fort Stevens on the north Oregon coast but the shells fell outside the fort. The commander of the fort chose not to return fire because he didn't want to give away their position.

It's one of the most unusual and little known aspects of World War II. After the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo in 1942. Japan looked for ways to avenge the US raid. At the time it not technically feasible for any of the combatants to construct bomber aircraft that could cross the pacific. Scientists proposed that bomb carrying balloons could be designed and built to drop bombs on the United States. These balloon bombs would ascend to the upper atmosphere and be picked up by a fast wind current called now called the jet stream. At the time this east to west jet stream was unknown to the US but undestood by Japan.

Since resources for Japan were in short supply or under attack, these balloon bombs were made from an unusual substance; rice paper! The balloon themselve were filled with hydrogen to make them lighter than air. The balloon bombs carried instruments that could automatically release their bombs when they reach the US. They were armed with two types of bombs. One type of balloon bomb carried incendiary bombs that they hoped would start vast forest fires in the Pacific Northwest. The other type carried general purpose or anti-personel bombs.

Japanese balloon bombs made it as far Kansas and Arizona. Of course they were wildly inaccurate. It was impossible to combat this type of attack. The US government soon realized what was happening and put on a total news blackout on the subject. It was reasoned that if Japan had not gather information on bombing damage or even if the bombs were even hitting the US, they might suspend this program because of a lack of success.

Also, the government didn't want it's citizens to panic or suffer any morale problems.

During the Mount Gearhart attack the wife of a priest and five children were killed.

I've also read that a Japanese submarine launched a float plane that bombed Oregon forests with incendiaries but I can't recall where. There were some freighters were sunk of the coast of Oregon too.

I know that there are a few books on the subject and I recall seeing a documentary on the History Channel about it. Hope this helps.

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Q: Where was Oregon shelled or bombed by Japan in World War 2?
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