WAL-MART, THEY ARE VERY CHEAP. I GOT MINE FOR $12.99 + TAX. you can also buy jordache jeans at macys but they are like 60 bucks!
Finele Carpenter
I am also looking for them. I bought 2 pairs just a few months ago. When I went back (1 week after purchasing the first ones) they were completely gone! no one has been able to answe my question either! You can try this site. They have a few of those: http://www.buy-a-rama.com/?q=Jordache+jeans&button=GO!
Calvin Klein and Jordache, to name two.
Jordache was created in 1969.
Jordache's population is 1,000.
The most popular brands of jeans in the USA are Jordache, Guess, South Pole, and Gap because they are of high quality and are very well known and have been for years.
Trevor Jordache was created in 1993.
Trevor Jordache was born in 1950.
Chloe Jordache is 5' 4".
The best type of jeans to buy are Levi's.
You can buy a rainbow jeans from Hot topic or you can buy white jeans and then do tie dying on them.
One can buy Affliction jeans online from their official website. One can also buy also buy these jeans through a reseller such as "Bootleggers" or "Macy's".