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Of course. They have however, been integrated into the general population as Mexico has traditionally allowed for interracial marriages.

See related questions section about Afro-Mexicans

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12y ago

Yes, there was slavery in Mexico.

When the Spanish began colonizing Mexico during the 16th century they used the indigenous people as slaves, but most of them died due to European-brought diseases such as smallpox, and to the brutal conditions imposed by the conquerors. 90-95% of the population died within the following 50 years, prompting Spain and Portugal to acquire slave labor from other sources; namely western Africa.

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you of little faith Read The Bible, It is the book of all answer and will deeping your under standing.

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Yes. They are called Afro-Mexicans and comprise 2% of the general population (1-2 million).

See related questions for further detail.

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Q: Where there black slaves in Mexico?
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How did Mexican Americans gain equal rights?

same as black people but blacks were alound to stay in the united states but they were slaves and mexicons had dare own they ust had two stay in Mexico

Black slaves who served as overseers of other slaves were known as what?

Black slaves who served as overseers of other slaves were known as "black overseers" or "slave drivers."

What did Mexico do about Texans who had slaves?

killed them

Was there slavery in New Mexico and if yes where in New Mexico?

Yes. Most slaves were acquired since 1848 (when Mexico lost the territory after the Mexican-American War) during periodic raids against Native American settlements. Most slaves were brought to Las Cruces, Alamogordo and Santa Fe. New Mexico also was admitted as a slave territory as part of a compromise to prevent the American Civil War, but it never hold more than a dozen black slaves, as Native American slaves were much easier to acquire and transport. In 1862 the US Congress outlawed slavery on all US territories, including New Mexico.

Who did black slaves support during the revolutionary war?

There were 20,000 Black slaves that served the British for their causes and 5,000 black slaves served the Continental Army.

Did they get the word Negro from the Mexicans because they are black?

Probably not from Mexico, but from Cuba and other islands in the Caribbean. The Spanish as well as the English brought Africans as slaves to the Western Hemisphere.

Where were there Africans during the Conquest in Mexico?

In Africa. Slaves weren't brought to Mexico until after such conquest.

What were the slaves that looked white but were part black called?

Slaves that were half black and half white were called Mulatto.

Why did the the slaves not run to Mexico?

It was the system established by Spain when it conquered Mexico. Most indigenous people as well as some imported slaves from Africa were slaves under the encomienda system.See related links for further detail.

Were there black slaves in France?

Yes, there were black slaves in France, particularly during the period of colonial expansion and the transatlantic slave trade. Slavery was legal in French colonies, such as in the Caribbean, where many black slaves were brought to work on plantations. Additionally, there were some instances of black slaves in mainland France as well.

Why did Mexico choose their government?

Mexico chose government to make rights for themselves and to not be treated like slaves

In 1870 former black male slaves obtained the right to vote but what about blacks who were not slaves prior to that year?

in 1870 black African American slaves was able to vote