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Q: Where is there an airsoft field near Geneva Switzerland?
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Where is there an airsoft field in or near Geneve Switzerland?

No it is not possible to purchase airsoft in Switzerland, but you may buy them off a website called there you can buy all the guns, equipment, gear and legally delivered to your home

What is biggest machine in the world?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) built by CERN near Geneva, Switzerland.

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Which two countries is cern situated in?

CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research) is located in Switzerland and France. The main campus and headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland, while the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is located underground beneath the France-Switzerland border near Geneva.

What is the area of Geneva Switzerland?

Geneva is one of the most popular places in Switzerland. Like many areas near Geneva it had great view but sometimes lacks in shopping and basically things teenagers would like. Although Geneva might sound boring it does have things that you might enjoy in doing like paragliding areas and many others!

Where was HTML used for the very first time?

It was used at CERN, which is a scientific organisation based near the city of Geneva in Switzerland.

Where is an airsoft field to play near Tulsa Oklahoma?

CQCAIRSOFT, is an indoor cqb area,, kashiland is a outdoor field.

Which river flows into the Mediterranean Sea near Marseille?

The Rhône joins the Mediterranean (or the Gulf of Lion) near the city of Marseille. It's delta is known as the Camargue. The river's source is in Switzerland, and flows through Lac Leman (Lake Geneva), exiting the lake in south-western Switzerland near the city of Geneva.

Where is Albertville?

Albertville, France (host city of the 1992 Winter Olympics) is in southeast France, south of Geneva, Switzerland and near the border with Austria.

Where is CERN located?

CERN is located in Switzerland near Geneva. Coordinates: 46° 14′ 3″ N, 6° 3′ 10″ E.

What cities border Switzerland?

Switzerland shares its borders with France, Germany, Italy, Austria, and Liechtenstein. Some notable cities near the Swiss border include Geneva (in Switzerland), Basel (in Switzerland), Milan (in Italy), and Stuttgart (in Germany).

Which country border share on large hadron collider?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is located near Geneva, Switzerland. It is situated along the Swiss-French border, with parts of the collider crossing over into France.