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There is no country free of pollution as even if it does not pollute itself (eg Antarctica) it is affected by the pollution form other countries.

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Q: Where is the pollution free country?
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Air pollution isn't free because you have to apply a application to work at plants like Exxon.

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Yes. Air pollution adversely affects your dream of pollution free earth.

Does your country have pollution?

What country because mine doesnt have much

How does air pollution from one country affect another country?

it spreads from one place to another and continue it.

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Because pollution is clouds, clouds can float from one piece of atmosphere to another...

How will the earth be pollution free?

the earth can never be pollution free as there are natural incidents, such as methane from animals and their waste or co2 from natural fires, there are many other natural disasters that can cause all sorts of pollution to the planet, and with humans on earth the chances of no pollution is at nil