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Q: Where is the only Victorian seaside promenade in Cornwall?
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How do you get seaside stickers in Free Realms?

Seaside stickers can be obtained by completing quests given in Seaside. The stickers are only given out during special events.

What is the only city in Cornwall?


What is the only county in the UK to share a border with only one other?


How did the royal family life in the Victorian times?

The only monarch in the Victorian era was Queen Victoria, which is why it is the Victorian era.

Why is it risky to live in Cornwall?

Only if you are alergic to animals and grass

Where is the closet Mosque to Cornwall?

A Muslim group is hoping to build the only mosque in Cornwall.

Which English county borders only one other county?

Northamptonshire borders with 8 other counties. Paul Wilkinson Brackley.

How many airports in Cornwall?

There's only 1 Newquay Airport

What is the only nation in the UK that doesn't have its own Parliament?

There are two, England and Cornwall.

Do penguins live in Cornwall?

No, penguins do not naturally live in Cornwall. Penguins are Antarctic and sub-Antarctic birds, and do not inhabit locations as warm as Cornwall.

Where did the dusky seaside sparrow live?

The dusky seaside sparrow, Ammospiza Maritima Nigrescens, was the darkest subspecies of the seaside sparrow. Found only near Titusville, Florida, it was a resident of coastal marshes in the region. Habitat loss evidently doomed this subspecies, and it has been thought extinct since 1987, when the last ones died in captivity near Orlando. However, occasional reports of duskies do come in from time to time, and in 2011, what may have been the songs of singing male seaside sparrows were recorded from the marshes near Titusville. The dusky was the only seaside sparrow known to inhabit the region.

Do you need a passport to travel from the midlands to Cornwall?

no, a passport is only required for crossing of International Borders.