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Moldova has the highest percentage of arable land in Europe (second highest in the world) at 54.52%. The Ukraine is second at 53.8% followed by Denmark at 52.59%.

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Q: Where is the most arable land found in Europe?
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Australia has the most arable land, followed by the United States and Russia. Arable land refers to land suitable for growing crops.

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The geography of Europe had very little to do with the development of feudalism except the fact that Europe had a lot of arable land. Most of the drivers to feudalism were the lack of powerful regional oversight and the need for landowners to actively secure their own holdings.

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Japan's low arable land reflects that most of the country is uninhabitable forests and mountains, thus decreasing its capacity for population density. However, Japan's arable land to population ratio is many times more favorable than, e.g., China, so the food production aspect of arable land is not the controlling factor. Instead, it is the inhabitability of much of Japan's non-arable land which diminishes Japan's population density.

Where is most of the arable land in china located?

whknows, im tryin to figuree it out myself

Which type of land use would most likely be located around the old Lachine Canal and the port of Montreal?
