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Q: Where is the largest area of undisturbed habitat found on Earth?
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What organisms are found in the same environment?

If you take a look at an undisturbed habitat, you are seeing an example.

Which countries are the three biggest rainforests found in?

The three largest rainforests on earth are found in Brazil (the Amazon rainforest), Africa (the Congo Basin), and Asia (various tracts of undisturbed rainforest).

What animal has the largest habitat?

The animal with the largest habitat is the blue whale. They are found in all of the world's oceans, and have a wide-ranging habitat that spans from polar to tropical waters.

What do you call the largest bodies of water found on the earth?

The largest bodies of water found on Earth are called oceans.

What are the largest living organism on earth and can be found in California?

It is the Earth itself. It could be found everywhere.

Where can the largest grasslands on earth be found?

South America

The largest heart is found where?

The largest heart has to be in the largest creature that has ever inhabited the earth, which is the Blue Whale!

What is the name of the largest crystals on the earth?

The largest crystal in the world is called the Nacia it is found in Mexico.

What is the name of any meteor that hit earth?

The Willamette Meteorite. It is the sixth largest and the largest found in the United States.

Where can the largest percentage of water be found on earth?

The largest percentage of water on Earth is found in the oceans, which hold about 97% of the world's water. The remaining 3% is mostly locked up in ice caps, glaciers, and groundwater.

What habitat does the Kingdom Eubacteria live in?

Eubacteria can be found in a wide range of habitats, including soil, water, air, and the human body. They are one of the most diverse and abundant group of bacteria on Earth, thriving in various environments due to their adaptability and ability to metabolize different nutrients.

Where are the nitrogen largest deposits found?

The largest deposits of nitrogen are found in the Earth's atmosphere, where it makes up about 78% of the air we breathe. In terms of solid deposits, nitrogen is also found in significant quantities in the form of nitrates and nitrites in the Earth's crust and in bodies of water.