The first State Capital was in Guthrie, Oklahoma.
Oklahoma City is the capital of the US State of Oklahoma.
The only state capital that shares no letters with the state it is capital of is Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Oklahoma state
Oklahoma City is its capital
The capital of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, is located in the central part of the state.
The capital of the state that borders Kansas to the south is Oklahoma City. Oklahoma shares a border with Kansas to the south, and its capital is Oklahoma City.
Not with statehood when Guthrie was the first State Capital as it had been the Capital of Oklahoma Indian Territory. The State Seal was moved from Guthrie to Oklahoma City in the dark of night on 11 June 1910.
Oklahoma City is the capital and largest city in the U.S. state of Oklahoma.
Oklahoma borders the state of Kansas to the south and the capital of Oklahoma is Oklahoma City.
Oklahoma City is the capital of US state Oklahoma.