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Where flies tend to hang out, like near garbage cans, doors or windows.

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Q: Where is the best place to hang a fly paper?
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You can't fly with magic spells as there is no such thing as magic. If you want to fly, then you best option is to learn hang gliding or get a pilot's license.

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the wright brothers had to learn how to build a plane. and where was the best place to fly it the best place to fly is was on the beach

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Hang gliding can make you fly in the air and hang gliding look's fun.

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You can hang off a hang glider but you can only fly a kite.

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How can I hang out with you my friends after school?

Ideas:Join a club together.Skype.Messenger services. (Yahoo!; MSN...)Walk/ run/ drive/ hop/ fly to be in the same place.

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The best place to buy a fly fishing rod in Seattle is at Outdoor Emporium in Seattle. Other places in Seattle where fly fishing rods can be purchased include Creekside Angling Company, and Patrick's Fly Shop.

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The kind of paper chosen to make a paper airplane affects its weight. The best paper for making airplane is the light but firm paper. Firm paper prevents the paper plane from crumbling in the wind.

Does a paper plane made out of copy paper fly further than a plane made out of construction paper?

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A paper airplane cannot fly without a wing.

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