Frank Newburg's birth name is Francis A. Newburg.
There are Norfolks in VA, MA and CT. There are Brooklyns in MS and NY. VA to NY is 366 miles.
Richmond VA to Manhattan NY is 5 h 49 min (336.6 mi) via I-95 N
Frank Newburg was born on October 9, 1886, in Philadephia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The phone number of the Newburg Branch is: 502-479-6160.
The address of the Newburg Branch is: 4800 Exeter Avenue, Louisville, 40218 3874
Using the main roads, what will be the approximate cost of toll charges from Virginia to New York - JFK airport? I propose driving from VA to NY along I-95, then the New Jersey Turnpike to NY.
357 miles
yes, from VA to NY
6 hours
Frank Newburg died on November 11, 1969, in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA.
360 miles