The address of the Robeson County Museum is: 103 S Elm Street, Lumberton, NC 28358
The address of the Robeson County Public Library is: 101 N Chestnut St, Lumberton, 28358 1111
The web address of the Robeson County Museum is:
The phone number of the Robeson County Museum is: 910-738-7979.
The address of the Robeson County Public Library Bookmobile is: 101 N Chestnut St, Lumberton, 28358 1111
The phone number of the Robeson County Public Library is: 910-738-4859.
The phone number of the Robeson County Public Library Bookmobile is: 910-738-4859.
They are a native American tribe that has its origins in what is now North Carolina. They are located mostly in Robeson County.
Lumberton is a city in North Carolina. Liberty is a town in Randolph County, North Carolina.
According to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Robeson County, NC is estimated to be around 130,625 as of 2020.
It contains 951 square miles.
The largest county in North Carolina by size is Robeson County.
The five poorest counties in North Carolina are (by poverty rate):Robeson (23.8%)Tyrrell (23.5%)Halifax (23.2%)Warren (21.8%)Edgecombe (21.5%)