The address of the Berea Branch Library is: 1211 Hwy 158, Oxford, 27565 M
The phone number of the Oxford Branch is: 513-523-7531.
This sort code belongs to National Westminster Bank. This code is assigned to the Oxford Hight Street branch, located in Oxford, England.
The address of the Pio Pico Koreatown Branch is: 694 S. Oxford, Los Angeles, 90005 2872
Depends on what Oxford you are talking about.
This sort code belongs to Halifax. This code is assigned to the Oxford Circus branch, located in London.
Oxford High Street Branch
The address of the Oxford Museum is: Po Box 131, Oxford, MD 21654-0131
This sort code belongs to Lloyds TSB Bank. This code is assigned to the Cowley branch, located in Oxford, England.
The address of the Oxford Museum Association is: Po Box 184, Oxford, OH 45056
The address of the Oxford Public Library is: 110 East 6Th Street, Oxford, 36203 1627
The address of the Historic Oxford Limited is: Po Box 404, Oxford, MD 21654