The phone number of the Memories Are Forever Inc is: 563-578-5778.
The address of the Cedar Valley Memories is: 18791 Highway 9, Osage, IA 50461
Iowa is one of the states in the US, it is not in another state. There is a city in the state of Iowa called Iowa City. The capital city in Iowa is Des Moines.
The University of Northern Iowa is located in the state of Iowa.
Randi Oakes was born on August 19, 1951, in Sumner, Iowa, USA.
The main tribe that lived in Northern Iowa was the Dakota Sioux. The Ioway also inhabited Northern Iowa. Lakota for forever: oihanke wanil Ioway (Baxoje) for forever/always: báñi írógre; iyam
The phone number of the Cedar Valley Memories is: 641-732-1269.
University of Iowa is in Iowa city.....east of des moines(the capital city)
Debuque Iowa
Coe College is located in the state of Iowa.
Cherokee is a city in Cherokee County, Iowa. It is located in northwest Iowa.
Zearing is a city in Iowa. It is located in Story County, Iowa.