The address of the Augusta State University is: 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904-4562
In Augusta Maine.
Central Maine Power Company is located in Augusta, Maine. The mailing address is 83 Edison Drive, Augusta, ME 04336. Their phone number is 1-800-696-1000.
The state capital of Maine is Augusta. Originally, Portland had been the capital of Maine, but due to its more central location, it was changed to Augusta in 1827.The capital of Maine is Augusta.
The address of the University Of Maine Foundation is: , Orono, ME 04469-0001
Augusta is the capital city in the U.S. state of Maine.
The address of the Maine Military Historical Society Inc is: 33 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-4333
Augusta, Maine.
Augusta, Maine.
Maine is farther east than Florida, Augusta, and Miami.
The capital of Maine is Augusta.
Yes, the capital of Maine is Augusta.