The phone number of the Isle Of Wight County Library-Smithfield Branch is: 757-357-2264.
The address of the Isle Of Wight County Museum is: Po Box 391, Smithfield, VA 23431-0391
The address of the Isle Of Wight County Historical Society is: Po Box 121, Smithfield, VA 23431-2343
Ocean County Library has it's branches in many parts of the United States, it's branches are - Toms River Branch, Barnegat Branch, Long Beach Branch, Beachwood Branch and Brick Branch.
The address of the Kent County Branch is: 408 High St., Chestertown, 21620 1312
The address of the Mid-County Branch is: 7821 Maryland Ave, Clayton, 63105 3818
The address of the West County Branch is: 1325 Annapolis Rd, Odenton, 21113 M
The address of the North County Branch is: 101 Cedar Lane, Greensboro, 21639 M
The address of the South County Branch is: 198 Jackson St, Augusta, 63332 1722
The address of the South County Branch is: 1108 Old York Road, Ringoes, 08551 M
The address of the Grant County- Strandburg Branch is: 200 Main, Strandburg, 57265 0114
The address of the South County Branch is: 5940 Deale-Churchton Rd., Deale, 20751 9723